Transfer Services

Epic journeys begin at Rensselaer. Here's to the innovators, scientists, artists, and creators.

We are delighted that you are joining the Rensselaer community and look forward to meeting you during Student Transitions Week 2024! The Fall '24 Transfer Student Orientation (TSO) materials will be available for you shortly. Each semester, the Transfer Student Orientation marks the beginning of your membership into the Rensselaer community and is an opportunity for you to gain the tools necessary to ensure a smooth transition into Rensselaer. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (518) 276-6655 or email with any questions you have. Get excited, your Rensselaer experience has begun!

Student Transitions Week covers the following:


Please see selections below for communications for Incoming Transfer Students

Student Transitions Week Schedule: Fall 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 | Student Transitions Week Overview and Welcome with Shayna Hill, Assistant Director l 12-1 p.m. l Link to Webex coming soon

Friday, August 23, 2024 l Travel and Arrival - Residential Move-In with Student Living and Learning Team l Time TBD l East Campus Athletic Village (ECAV)

*For additional information, please contact the Office of Student Living and Learning at

Saturday, August 24, 2024 | Student Resource Fair and Break-Out Sessions to help you acclimate to our community l More information to come

Sunday, August 25, 2024 l Transfer Student Brunch l More information to come

Monday, August 26, 2023 | Transfer Student Orientation Day at Hefner Alumni House l 9 a.m.-5 p.m. l Breakfast and lunch will be served (Full Day Required by All Transfer Students)

Incoming Transfer Students Communication Timeline: Fall 2024 Admission

Important Information

If you have not already done so, please notify Disability Services for Students at (518) 276-8197 and the Office for Student Transitions at (518) 276-6655 of any special needs you may have to help ensure that we are prepared to assist you prior to the start of the term.

Prior to Student Transitions Week

Transfer Credits
Time has been set aside for you to ask evaluation-specific questions regarding your credits.

Rhett Russo
(518) 276-2011

Kurt Anderson
(518) 276-6620

Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Brett Fajen
(518) 276-8266

Information Technology and Web Science
Peter Fox
(518) 276-4862

Christopher Meyer
(518) 276-2225

Lee Ligon
(518) 276-3458

AP Scores

To get ready for Calculus I, review the book “Ready… Set… Calculus.” The Math Department has also prepared an online version and a sample quiz that you may want to take and review. It is strongly encouraged that you review this information!

The charge for Transfer Student Orientation is a one time fee of $175. This fee will appear on your student account bill, please do not send money.

For questions regarding Rensselaer billing and payments, contact:

Bursar’s Office
(518) 276-6610

Financial Aid
(518) 276-6813

Undergraduate transfer students entering with Junior level classification are not required to live in university owned or operated on-campus housing during their Transition semester to Rensselaer.
To be considered a Junior, the following number of degree-required credit hours must be confirmed as eligible to transfer into the student’s RPI Degree Program per Registrar Office records:
1. Architecture: 66 credit hours
2. All Other majors: 60 credit hours
Determinations toward transfer student classifications are completed once credit evaluations are done by Transfer Admission and the transfer student’s academic school. Students should inquire with Transfer Admission or the Office for Student Transitions to determine their eligibility to live off-campus during their transition semester having acquired Junior level classification.
All incoming transfer students are encouraged to live on campus. Incoming transfer students entering with First Year or Sophomore classification are required to live on campus and is guaranteed. Housing for transfer students with Junior or Seniors classification is not guaranteed and is available on a first come, first served basis. Access to the housing application is facilitated once a student pays their enrollment deposit.

The Arch Program is an integral part of each student's academic career at RPI. Transfers come to campus with diverse backgrounds that will support their away semester. For more information on the Arch Program and how it will effect your transfer student, please view this information video here. For any questions, comments or concerns regarding the Arch Program as it pertains to transfers, please contact the Student Transitions Office.

(Video upload as of Spring 2021)

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Transfer Student FAQ's

Transfer Student FAQs to Consider:

Q. Do I need to be vaccinated to attend RPI?

A. No, while RPI strongly recommends that all members of the Rensselaer community be vaccinated against COVID-19, it is not required for attendance. For more information related to Covid-19 please visit the Covid-19 Website.

Q. When will I register for courses? Who should I contact for advisement and planning?

A. Incoming transfer students will begin registration on July 31, 2023. If you do not receive a registration time ticket in SIS (Student Information System), please email All transfers should receive proper advisement from their department prior to registration. Advisors will reach out to Transfer Students individually, beginning July 31, 2023.

Q. As a transfer student, do I have to live on-campus in the Residential Commons?

A. Transfer Students who are designated as first-year or sophomore students are required to live on-campus. In addition to first-year students and sophomores, all students are required to live on-campus during their Arch summer term. If you are a transfer student who needs a housing waiver request reviewed, please complete the form and connect with Student Living and Learning

Q. Do I need to complete The Arch summer and semester away requirement?

A. The amount of credits accepted by Rensselaer will determine the students classification upon their transition. Those who enter with sophomore classification or below are required to complete both The Arch summer term and semester away. Those who enter with Junior classification will only be required to complete the away term portion. A presentation will detail the requirement and how to properly register for Arch summer and/or semester away in SIS. Any questions pertaining to the requirement please email