Import a schema from a feature class to a new feature class in ArcGIS Pro

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A schema defines the physical structure of a geodatabase along with the rules, relationships, and properties of each dataset in the geodatabase. In ArcGIS Pro, when creating a new feature class, the schema of the feature class can be imported from an existing feature class instead of creating a new one from scratch. This method increases efficiency and standardizes the feature class schemas, especially when creating numerous feature classes in a project.

This article provides two methods to import a schema from a feature class to a new feature class within a geodatabase, or to another geodatabase in ArcGIS Pro.


Use the Create Feature Class tool to import a schema

Use the Create Feature Class tool to create a new feature class with a schema imported from an existing feature class within the same or another geodatabase.

  1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
  2. In the Catalog pane, right-click the geodatabase, click New, and click Feature Class to create a new feature class within the geodatabase.
  1. Configure the parameters in the Create Feature Class pane.
    1. On the Define page, for Name, type the new feature class name. The Test_FC name is used in this example.
    2. For Feature Class Type, select the feature geometry from the drop-down list. The new feature class can have a different geometry type than the feature class with the desired schema.
    3. For Geometric Properties, if the feature class requires m-values or z-values, check the appropriate check boxes.
    4. Click Next.
    1. On the Fields page, click Import and select the feature class with the desired schema and click OK. If necessary, click Next to configure the Spatial Reference, Tolerance, Resolution, or Storage Configuration pages.
    2. Click Finish.

    A feature class with the imported schema is created. In this example, the is feature class schema from the 'Places' feature class (image at the top) is imported to the 'Test_FC' feature class (image at the bottom).

    Export the schema to an XML workspace document and import the XML workspace document to a new geodatabase

    Note: The Export XML Workspace Document and Import XML Workspace Document tools require the ArcGIS Desktop Standard or Advanced license.

    Export the desired feature class schema in a geodatabase to an XML workspace document using the Export XML Workspace Document tool. Then, import the schema from the XML workspace document to another geodatabase using the Import XML Workspace Document tool. This method allows importing more than one feature class schema at a time between geodatabases.

    1. Open the ArcGIS Pro project.
    2. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Export XML Workspace Document (Data Management Tools).
    3. Configure the Export XML Workspace Document pane.
      1. For Input Data, specify the feature class with the schema to export. In this example, the 'Libraries_Arkansas' and 'Roads_Primary_Arkansas' feature classes are used.
      2. For Export Options, select Schema only from the drop-down list.
      3. Click Run.
      1. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and select Import XML Workspace Document (Data Management Tools).
      2. Configure the Import XML Workspace Document pane.
        1. For Target Geodatabase, specify a geodatabase to import the contents of the XML document. In this example, a new geodatabase, 'New File Geodatabase,' is used.
        2. For Import File, specify the exported XML workspace document created in Step 3 and click OK.
        3. For Import Options, select Import schema only from the drop-down list.
        4. Click Run.

        The schemas of the two feature classes are imported from one geodatabase to another geodatabase. If necessary, rename the feature classes to distinguish the feature classes between the two geodatabases.

        • ArcGIS Pro 3 1
        • ArcGIS Pro 3 0
        • ArcGIS Pro 2 x